
Miguel Ramírez: "We’re building a house and we need to build this house together"


CHARLESTON – Charlotte FC played their first ever game in front of fans yesterday against USL side the Charleston Battery. While the game resulted in a loss for CLTFC, head coach Miguel Ramírez sees it at a learning opportunity.

“It was a good opportunity to keep working, to keep playing together on the pitch because it is important when you play for the first time with the man to your right and left, to build those connections.

“A metaphor I like to use when learning a new system in soccer is when you’re learning to drive. In the beginning you’re nervous and you’re tense but after more experience you’re relaxed, and it becomes automatic... Right now, we are still in that learning stage.”

In a scrappy game where it was difficult to gauge much of anything due to continuous changes in both teams' lineups, Ramírez saw some positives that the team can build off of.

“Some positive things were that there were several moments in the game of conceptual understanding but there were some bad technical executions. I think it when it comes to the conceptual [parts of the game] they [the players] are starting to get it. We’ve had trouble breaking lines and advancing the ball, but we saw improvement in that aspect this game, which is a good sign, and makes me happy.”

Still, Ramírez recognizes there is much work to still be done and stresses that the team is focused on continually improving.

“[We need] to keep improving, we’re building from scratch, from zero, the only thing we can do is improve. We need to keep working, we need to keep practicing, we need to keep making mistakes to know where we need to improve and how to improve.”

The brightest moment for Ramírez on the night was the support of the Charlotte FC fans and he had some heartwarming words for them.

“[The fans were] phenomenal. And sincerely [the fans have been] one of the most positive things that I’ve experienced since arriving here. I was actually just talking to Sergio [Ruiz] last night about it. We didn’t expect so many people at the open training session and it was an incredible gift.

“We feel very special and loved, and today too was very special because it had been a while since I’ve been in a game with fans present... it’s hard to describe with words, it’s the best thing.

“Fans support the club when there is rain and when there is sun, I plan on being like that. This [fan’s support] has an incredible power, this is what will help us get back up when we fall, we need the support of fans.

“It’s going to be really difficult; we are starting from zero, but we’re building a house and we need to build this house together. Together, together, support us because we need it. And we are already feeling that love, today was very special, we are so looking forward to that first home game.”

PHOTOS: Open Training at Bank of America Stadium